Exploring cyber security incident and crisis preparation: Lessons from a whole of government cyber exercise program

2:40 pm
3:20 pm


Emily Wingard

Emily Wingard

Manager, Cyber Capability And Engagement
Government Of South Australia
Michael Billett

Michael Billett

Deputy Director, Cyber Threat Intelligence and Incident Management
Government of South Australia


Cyber security exercising is a way to explore response plans, understand roles and responsibilities and to create awareness on the impacts and consequences of a real cyber attack.

So, we ask you this:

Does your organisation have a cyber security incident response plan that is integrated with your overall emergency management plans, or is it handled separately by the IT function? Do you know who would be part of your incident management team? Who would be fronting media? Do you have the resources in house to manage the real world impacts, and technical response, or would you need external help? Could you describe your strategy for keeping different groups informed during a cyber security incident? How are you documenting decisions and actions? There are so many questions….

Michael and Emily will discuss best practice and common pitfalls in orchestrating cyber security exercises and provide a rare behind-the scenes look at how agencies prepare for and respond to cyber incidents, ensuring their own team is ready for the unexpected.

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of country throughout Australia and acknowledge their continuing connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to the people, the cultures and the elders past, present and emerging.