Dr Reilly Innes is a human behaviour specialist currently working for Alpha Echo. Reilly holds a PhD in cognitive psychology and has published 17 academic journal articles on decision making, cognitive workload and neuroscience. At Alpha Echo, Reilly works with Government and commercial clients to harden organisations from a human factors perspective, focusing on developing effective education programs, strong culture and behavioural nudges that subtly uplift cybersecurity behaviours. Reilly's knowledge and experience has seen him contribute to Masters level course curricula, deliver Government education programs and develop the Human Hardening Framework - a framework to guide the uplift of organisations human-cyber capability. With a background in psychology and mathematical modelling, experience in Government work, and connections within academic spheres, Reilly is uniquely positioned as a human-cyber specialist. He is committed to Alpha Echo's tagline of Securing Australia, collaborates whenever the opportunity is available and greatly enjoys sharing his insights.