Nick Ellsmore was the inaugural winner of AISA's "Information Security Professional of the Year" award, way back in 2012. Over the last 20 years, Nick has founded, built & sold two of Australia’s leading cybersecurity professional services firms: Hivint, acquired by Trustwave in 2018; and SIFT/Stratsec, acquired by BAE Systems Australia in 2010. Both companies were Telstra Business Awards Winners and members of various ‘fast growth’ lists.
Nick is a Graduate of the AICD Company Director’s Course, and has served on boards and forums including the Internet Industry Association, the NATA AAC for Software Testing, UNSW Advisory Boards, and as an Australian delegate to the APEC TEL Security & Prosperity Steering Group.
Having delivered well over 120 presentations in the last two decades, always thought provoking with multiple "best speaker awards" received, Nick is passionate about getting the industry to think differently about how we approach entrenched challenges.