SOPs, Playbooks, and You; how to document everything to optimise your team and keep your sanity

3:50 pm
4:30 pm
Murray Room


Chileen Duncan

Chileen Duncan

Cyber Exposure Manager
Asahi Beverages


Do you ever feel like you have to explain the same thing over and over? Do you often encounter problems where everyone involved wants to create a bespoke solution? Is on-boarding a new analyst a bigger lift than it feels like it should be? Does your team come to you personally with all of their questions? Do you lack a central knowledge base? Do you ever get tired of repeating yourself constantly and just want to burn it all down?

If the answer is yes, you’re not alone (and arson is not the answer). You’re simply a victim of poor documentation. Standard operating procedures, training materials, and useful ways to document anything and EVERYTHING is the solution.

Just as Incident Response teams have playbooks, many other security workflows are conducive to repeatable and predictable procedures and outcomes. Rather than reacting and creating bespoke solutions, a proactive approach of mapping to existing operating procedures is both a timesaver, and the key to keeping everyone on the same page, no matter what is being responded to or followed.

So how do you do this without driving yourself crazy and adding even more work? Well, the answer to that is standardisation and repeatable procedures. It’s SOP’s all the way down. Let me show you how, and make your life just a little bit easier!

In this talk, I will show you tips and tricks to incorporate documentation into everything your team does, and remove hours of wasted time. Easily improve your efficiency and your sanity all in one simple to follow session. You’ll leave with actionable steps to take to start streamlining your processes and creating predictable outcomes for your entire team.

Feel better and look like a rockstar by improving your workflows. Let me show you how documentation can help change your team for the better!

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