This presentation is about a malicious campaign operated by a Chinese-speaking threat actor, SneakyChef. Since as early as 2023, SneakyChef has targeted government agencies, likely the Ministry of External/ Foreign Affairs or Embassies of various countries, using SugarGh0st RAT and SpiceRAT.
SneakyChef operators are likely Chinese-speaking based on their language preferences, usage of the variants of Chinese’s popular malware of choice, Gh0st RAT, and the specific targets, which include the Ministry of External Affairs of various countries and other government entities with the motive of Espionage and data theft.
Their notable TTPs include Spear-Phishing campaigns, DLL Side-Loading, custom c2 communication protocol, and abusing legitimate applications.
SneakyChef has used various techniques in this campaign, including multi-staged attack chains, to deliver the payload SugarGh0st and SpiceRAT. Throughout this presentation, I will discuss multiple attack chains and the techniques the threat actor has employed to establish persistence, evade detection, and implant the RATs successfully.