Surviving the cyber budget squeeze – making the business case

10:30 am
11:10 am
Fitzroy Room


Denny Wan

Denny Wan

Founder And Principal Consultant
Reasonable Security Institute
Madhuri Nandi

Madhuri Nandi

Head of Security


The current economic challenge put pressure on all budgets including cyber. The key to defending the cyber budget is recognising that cyber risk is a business risk and not a technology problem. This paradigm shift demands cyber leaders to communicate cyber risks using a financial language in dollars.

In this presentation, Madhuri walks through her journey in mastering this new approach in risk communication. She successfully transformed her career from a security product owner elevated to the position of head of security. In addition, she set an example of a successful woman cyber leader by creating a voice for other aspiring female leaders who often struggle to be taken seriously in the macho world of cyber technology conversation focus on threats. The risk conversation framed in reasonableness, common sense and balance plays to the strength of woman with a natural tendency to listen with empathy.

She will explain how cyber leaders can transform the threat conversation into a business conversation connecting the demand and supply of cyber security services. Business units consuming the cyber security services must be provided with operational security metrics measuring the business value delivered to them. These operational security metrics conversations challenge the myth that cyber security services are a business tax delivering no tangible business value.

Madhuri is joined by Denny Wan, a recognised global export in the Open FAIR risk quantification standard, to talk through her journey in engaging with the business units in developing measurable security metrics in the context of the operational risk management needs of the business unit. Delegates will learn the step-by-step process in engaging with the business units supported by practical FAIR risk quantification templates which they can apply themselves using free modelling tools without infrastructure requirements to deliver these amazing business transformation output, transforming them into a business leader. Denny was named by the FAIR institute as the FAIR Ambassador in FAIRCON 2024, in recognition of his proven experience in facilitating the FAIR conversations.

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