Lessons learned from cyber incident response exercises

3:50 pm
4:30 pm


Nathan Carriage

Nathan Carriage

Chief Information Security Officer


Having a strong incident response plan is essential for keeping organisations like QinetiQ safe and resilient. This presentation will cover the key aspects of incident response, focusing on how and why we test these plans, the lessons we learn from various exercises, and the importance of incident response beyond the realm of cybersecurity.

Topics covered

  • Testing Incident Response: We will look at the different ways we test incident response plans to make sure they work well and can be quickly put into action when needed.
  • Lessons from Exercises: By examining various exercises and simulations, we will discuss the important lessons learned, common mistakes, and best practices to strengthen incident response efforts.
  • Incident Response in practice: A closer look at how government and commercial entities handles its incident response.
  • Beyond Cybersecurity: Incident response is not just for cyber threats. We will talk about its importance in other areas showing why every organisation needs a strong IRP.

This presentation gives a clear and practical overview of incident response, offering useful insights for professionals in various fields. Attendees will gain a better understanding of why incident response is critical and how to improve their own preparedness against different types of threats.

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of country throughout Australia and acknowledge their continuing connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to the people, the cultures and the elders past, present and emerging.